What’s new in Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.16 update?

What’s new in Dynamics 365 Finance updates?

Microsoft is enhancing features in the upcoming release of Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.16 scheduled for February 2021. This release will not only improve existing functionality, but will include platform updates and bug fixes. Dynamics 365 Finance self-updates are rolling out January 2021 and automatic updates will follow in February. Plan ahead and prepare your team for the exciting new features.

​New features in Vendor Invoice Automation

Several modifications have been made to enrich Vendor Invoice Automation capabilities in D365 Finance. Changes in the 10.0.16 release include the following:

  • Analytics and metrics – The Vendor invoice entry workspace now has the ability to let the user view information in different company without actually switching and signing into another company. Microsoft also has metrics that allow the accounts payable managers a full view of the vendor invoice automation process. Managers can see how long it is taking the company to process invoices. This includes how many invoices were processed automatically without interventions, any invoice failures and additional workflow metrics.
  • Match product receipts to invoice lines that have a three-way matching policy –  Clients often receive Vendor Invoices before they receive the Vendor’s products. Users must manually match the invoice to the posted receipts, when the invoice has a three-way match policy. The new update from Microsoft allows the automatic matching of posted receipts to invoice lines if there is a three-way matching policy. The process will run until the matched product receipt quantity is equal to the invoice quantity. Users can setup the maximum number of times the system should try to match receipts to an invoice line. The process will run in the background, using a frequency of either hourly or daily.
  • Pre-validate vendor invoice posting –  Microsoft added a new feature in this release allowing users to the same validation process that is run during invoice posting (pre-validate process), but without updating accounts. This allow users to check for errors before the actual posting process. Users can run the process on a one invoice or multiple invoices. This can be found on the Pending vendor invoice page.
  • Submit imported vendor invoices to workflow – As part of Microsoft’s plan to have a fully automated accounts payable invoicing process, users can setup imported invoices to automatically be submitted to workflow. The process will run as a background process, using either an hourly or daily frequency, based on user setup. Users can also configure the system to match product receipts to invoice lines automatically, before submitting the invoice to workflow. This will require an automated posting task to be included in the workflow configuration. Invoices that are related to purchase orders and invoices that contain a non-PO procurement category, and non-stocked lines, can be submitted to workflow automatically.
  • Tracking imported invoice amount and imported sales tax amount – The imported invoice amount and imported sales tax amount for vendor invoices can be provided in the import file. The imported invoice amount and sales ta amounts are typically scanned by an outside provider and included in an import file. When the invoice is processed in the system, it calculates the amounts based on the data provided. Imported amounts must match the calculated values, ensuring the invoice accurately reflects the amount due to the vendor. If your company allows imported invoices to be submitted to workflow automatically, users can optionally require that the imported amounts equal the calculated totals before the invoice can be submitted to workflow.
  • Tracking the invoice received date – The invoice received date can be imported or manually entered for the invoice. This date allows management to track the progress of the invoice and obtain useful metrics. If the received date is not entered, the date will default to the current date.

Platform updates

Improve your business processes using Microsoft’s additional developments to enhance your D365 Finance solution. Most of the features highlighted below must be enabled using Feature management before they can be used. Our team is available for questions and readily available to assist you with the process and any immediate impacts these may have for your business solution.

  • User session management – Administrators can enable a maximum session timeout up to 2160 hours for individual users. Upon session expiration, users are required to sign in with their credentials to regain access.
  • Renamed “Session idle timeout” to “Session inactivity timeout” – With a new name change, administrators gained to ability to differentiate between a maximum user session timeout and a timeout due to user session inactivity.
  • Removing support for Visual Studio 2015 – Microsoft implemented changes using X + + extensions that are incompatible with Visual Studio 2015. The final version to support Visual Studio 2015 is version 10.0.16. It is recommended to deploy Visual Studio 2017 for continued support and updates.
  • Email throttling – Sanction non-interactive email providers to adhere to a per-minute email sending limit, which prevents errors that are currently triggered when the system attempts to send more emails than the provider can handle. When email throttling is enabled, sending limits for Microsoft 365 email providers will be set automatically; manual configuration is required for all other email providers.
  • Document attachment history – This document management feature creates a history mechanism for record attachments. Seamlessly maintain an audit of actions related to individual attachments across your organization. For example, you can see when an attachment was created, marked for pending deletion, restored, deleted, or moved and who performed the action. The history retention period is automatically set to 180 days, however this is configurable using the Number of days to retain history field.
  • General availability of the Grouping with grids feature – Enhance user productivity and gain meaningful insights using new grid control. New grid capabilities include calculating totals, typing ahead of the system, evaluating math expressions, grouping tabular data and pinned system columns.
  • New HTML editor control – CKEditor control is replacing the existing HTML editor control to offer more robust capabilities that align with other Dynamics 365 product offerings.
  • Enhanced the Message::AddAction API – The Message::AddAction API now surfaces the action in notifications when messages are routed to the Action center or Message details pane.
  • Mitigate a SQL injection attack – Avoid malicious attacks to your database using the new Statement.executeQueryWithParameters API to mitigate SQL injection attacks from uncontrolled sources.

Bug fixes

Microsoft continues to invest in overall application improvements where needed and has included a large number of bug fixes that range from sales orders, pricing discounts and trade agreements in this version. Take advantage of the latest bug fixes. Contact us today for the bug fixes that pertain to your Dynamics 365 Finance implementation.

Interested in implementing the new features of Dynamics 365 Finance?

Reach out to our implementation team at 866.714.8422 for support with the Dynamics 365 Finance updates. Contact us today and leverage these exciting new features. 

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